Sneak Preview
Listen to a snippet from the CD:
We are very looking forward to the release of our first Album 'Cueva de la Pileta' by our new record label 'Cave Recordings'
you can preorder now
release is begin of Novermber
It was recorded in the Cueva de la Pileta in the spring 2015
Visitors to the Cueva de la Pileta are deeply moved by the cave.
They are touched by the timeless quality of the prehistoric paintings and the living presence of memories long forgotten. Honoring these memories, the Bouillon family has been taking care of this cave over four generations with a great sense of responsibility for the integrity of the site.
We came to the cave with the intention to lend our voice and the sound of our instruments to this living presence.
Searching for resonance within the physical space of the cave, we connected to the energy of our ancestors from the Paleolithic and Neolithic times.
We entered the cave with an open and receptive heart to listen. From this place of deep listening we were able to respond through the sound that emerged, forming a relationship between our own inner being and the hidden qualities of the cave.
The wisdom of the feminine, visible through numerous paintings and fertility symbols, came to life as a soft yet potent force.
We felt embraced and challenged in this beautiful womb created by nature.
Feel invited to join us on this journey into the depths of the inner earth, where the nourishing qualities of stillness and the intimacy created by the darkness of the cave are a call to remember and honor our connection with the divine.
The frequencies of track I and II on CD 1 are based on the calculations by Hans Cousto.
Through the application of the law of the octave, Cousto was able to calculate the sound frequencies of the duration of the different planetary movements.
In track I we use 68.05 Hz and 136.10 Hz as base frequencies, the 31st and 32nd octave of the orbit of Earth, the tropic year.
In track II it is 172.06 Hz, the 47th octave of the platonic year of the Earth. Information on Hans Cousto and cosmic octave:
Cave Recordings - La Cueva de la Pileta
Track 1: Sala del Pez I
Instruments: Planet Gong, Didgeridoo, Overtone flute, Vocals
Tuning: 136.10 Hz – Earth orbit (Year)
Track 2: Sala del Pez II
Instruments: Hurdy Gurdy, Jaws Harp, Shakuhachi, Fujara, Bowl, Vocals
Tuning: 172.06 Hz – Platonic Year
Track 1: Los Organos alto
Instruments: Speleothem curtains
Track 2: Los Organos bajo
Instruments: Speleothem curtains
Track 3: Chorales del Santuario I
Instruments: Vocals
Track 4: Chorales del Santuario II
Instruments: Vocals
Max Brumberg: Overtone Flutes, Fujara, Didgeridoo, Jaws Harp, Speleothem curatins, Vocals
Guido Falke: Hurdy Gurdy, Jaws Harp, Speleothem curtains, Vocals
Rudi Wienand: Planet Gong, Didgeridoo, Bowl, Shakuhachi, Speleothem curtains, Vocals
Tomás Bullón: Speleothem curtains
Karmit Evenzur: Geomancy
Markus Kaiser: Mixing & Mastering
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Order your CD:
The price for our double CD digipack with over 100minutes of finest cave sounds is 15€
please fill out the order-form below, we are going to confirm your order and send you the invoice and details for payment.
you can pay either by a direct money transfer to our bank account or by paypal
shipping within germany 1,50€, international 3,50€