Aulos Auloi Tibia
The Aulos
The aulos, the sound of the two pipes enchants the listener and the player at the same time. It is known from antique vases; you can see the Aulet holding and playing two tubes like a V.
Double reed instruments already existed in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. In ancient Rome, the type of instrument was called a tibia.
Only in recent years have these instruments been made to sound again.
Since 2017, I have been working intensively on reconstructing these instruments. Through numerous travels and lively exchanges with scientists, I have already been able to reconstruct several instruments and offer them to my customers.
I craft the instruments from materials used in antiquity. I can offer my customers a choice of wood, preferably boxwood or grenadilla, or deer bone.
Boxwood has fine overtones and a beautiful warmth, grenadilla sounds a little clearer and richer in overtones, bone has the clearest sound and carries far.

The reed is the heart of the aulos. Only a good reed ensures that a good instrument also sounds good.
My reeds are made from Phragmites australis. I work according to the traditions of Theophrastus of Eresus. They are harvested by hand, carefully aged, and carefully processed in pairs. This is the only way to ensure that they sound perfect together.
My reeds are available exclusively to customers of my instruments.
Information on Reeds
Depending on which season it was harvested in, the reed has already been seasoned and worked for several years according to Theophrastus’ recommendations. The reed has survived a complex process, enduring whilst many others have been broken or discarded along the journey.
It went through a process of many hours of playing in, scraping and balancing and only if it balances and matches its partner reed, which is cut from the same stem of cane, and again only if this partner survived all the same process, will it be played by my customer.
It took me and my friends Callum Armstrong and Caleb Simone the last 7 years to understand the words Theophrastus left us on how to make aulos reeds, to find the right processes. To research the dimensions needed to fit each instrument. To learn what to harvest and what the source material needs. To make many hundreds of reeds, discarding them to find the ones that will sound with honeyed harmony and clear voice as described by Apuleius (Florida 4) and Athenaeus (Delphic Paen)
On our Aulos Collective website you will find instructions on playing and caring for reeds
Aulos Reed Tutorials
Stelios Psaroudakes wrote about Theophrastus's writings on aulos reeds back in the 1990s. His article provided me with a lot of helpful information on reed construction.
S. Psaroudakes, Auletikos Kalamos 1994
Kamila Wyslucha and Stefan Hagel clarify many important questions in the following article. Why it was double reeds, what they must have looked like, and their properties. The reconstruction techniques proposed by S. Hagel form the basis of my reed construction today.
K. Wysłucha / S. Hagel, The mouthpiece of the aulos revisited. Greek and Roman Musical Studies 11 (2023), 362–407. DOI:10.1163/22129758-bja10062
Robin Howell taught me the basics of double reed construction and playing. Through his knowledge, his early reconstructions, and his tireless support, he paved the way for us to bring back the aulos to life. He encouraged Callum Armstrong, Caleb Simone, and me to work on Theophrastus's texts, particularly regarding the use of Phragmites australis as a material for construction.
Louvre Aulos
The Louvre Aulos likely originates from Greco-Roman Egypt and is now in the collection of the Louvre in Paris. Its design reflects a harmonious model that was well established already in the 4th century BC.
The finger hole dimensions and the pattern of my reconstruction are identical to the original. This results in an ergonomic shape for playing with five fingers each pipe.
The upper five holes are the playing holes. The holes below are used to adjust the fundamental notes. This way, the two reeds are a fouth apart.
It is a good instrument for getting started in the world of the Auloi.
I offer a one-piece version and also version with removable reed seats and a brass reinforcement.
The wood is available in boxwood or grenadilla.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Louvre Aulos
How do you hold the instrument, what scales do you play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials for the Louvre Aulos.
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying this article by Tosca Lynch
Annie Bélis published an article about the Louvre Aulos in 1984.
Auloi grecs du Louvre Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Année 1984 108-1 pp. 111-122
My reconstruction is based on the very detailed work of S. Hagel
S. Hagel, Better understanding the Louvre Aulos. Studien zur Musikarchäologie 9, Orient-Archäologie 33, 2014, 131–142.
Tosca Lynch has compiled further information here. Also see this article.
Lynch, T. A.C. 2023. Singing with the Muses: new paths into ancient Mousikē
This article by S. Hagel deals with writings that indicate aulos playing techniques and exercises.
S. Hagel, ‘Musics’, Bellermann’s Anonymi, and the art of the aulos. Greek and Roman Musical Studies 6 (2018) 128–176.
Poseidonia Aulos
The Poseidonia Aulos, also called the Paestum Aulos after its discovery site, dates back to classical antiquity. The original is housed in the Museum of Paestum.
It is older than the Louvre Aulos and, like other older auloi, was played in the microtonal classical enharmonic tetrachord scales.
I offer the reconstruction either in wood made of grenadilla or boxwood, or in the version like the original, in several segments made of deer bone.
Prices upon request
Further information on the Poseidonia/Paestum Aulos
How do I hold the instrument, which scales do I play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials on classical auloi.
Classical Greek Auloi Tutorials (In progress, expected May 2025)
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying these articles by Tosca Lynch:
and S. Hagel:
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
My reconstruction is based on the highly detailed works of Stelios Psaroudakes, Reichlin Moser, and Angela Belia.
S. Psaroudakes, ‘‘The Aulos of Poseidonia,” in Musica, Culti e Riti Nell’Occidente Greco. Pisa, Roma: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2014, pp. 117–129.
Angela Bellia, Danilo Paolo Pavone Computed tomography and handcrafting processes of an ancient musical instrument: the aulos from Poseidonia
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2021, 32.1, 375-401; doi: 10.19282/ac.32.1.2021.21
Paul J. & Barbara Reichlin-Moser, The Paestum Aulos from the Tomba del Prete
I also recommend the following articles from: T. Lynch and S. Hagel
Lynch, T. A.C. (2022a) ‘Unlocking the Riddles of Classical Greek Melodies I: Dorian Keys to the Harmonic Revolution of the New Music and the Hellenistic Musical Documents', Greek and Roman Musical Studies 10.2, 383–415
Lynch, T. A.C. (2022b) ‘Unlocking the Riddles of Classical Greek Melodies II: the Revolution of the New Music in the Ashmolean Papyri (DAGM 5–6) and Athenaeus’ Paean (DAGM 20)’, Greek and Roman Musical Studies 10.2, 416–467.
Lynch, T. A.C. 2024a. ‘Unlocking the Riddles of Imperial Greek Melodies: the “Lydian” metamorphosis of the Classical harmonic system’, Greek and Roman Musical Studies 12.1 (with errata corrige)
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
Akanthos Aulos
The Akanthos Aulos was found near Ierrissos on the east coast of the Chalcidian Peninsula. It is very similar to the Poseidonia Aulos and dates back to the Archaic-Classical period. Like other older auloi, it is also played in the microtonal classical enharmonic tetrachord scales.
It is slightly larger and sounds louder and fuller than the Poseidonia Aulos. It is therefore also somewhat harder to play.
I build it, just like the original, in several segments from deer bone.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Akanthos Aulos
How do I hold the instrument, which scales do I play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials on classical and archaic auloi.
Classical Greek Auloi Tutorials (In progress, expected May 2025)
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying these articles by Tosca Lynch:
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
My reconstruction is based on my own research and measurements at the Museum of Polygyros. I became aware of the instrument through Stelios Psaroudakes.
There are no scientific publications on it to date.
Some photos can be found in this article by S. Psaroudakes
Many thanks to the Archaeological Museum of Polygyros for providing access to this special musical instrument; being able to examine it was very helpful for my research and reconstruction.
Pydna Aulos
The Pydna Aulos was discovered south of Thessaloniki during excavations in ancient Pydna.
The original is housed in the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum.
It is likely somewhat younger than the Poseidonia Aulos. Like other older auloi, this one is played in the microtonal classical enharmonic tetrachord scales.
I offer the reconstruction either in wood made of grenadilla or boxwood, or in the version made of deer bone, like the original, in several segments.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Pydna Aulos
How do I hold the instrument, which scales do I play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials on classical and archaic auloi.
Classical Greek Auloi Tutorials (In progress, expected May 2025)
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying these articles by Tosca Lynch:
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
My reconstruction is based on my own research and measurements in the Museum of Thessaloniki and the article by Stelios Psaroudakes.
Psaroudakēs, Stelios (2008) “The aulos of Pydna”, in Arnd Adje Both & Ricardo Eichmann & Ellen Hickmann & Lars-Christian Koch (eds.), Studien zur Musikarchäologie VI. Challenges and objectives in music archaeology. Papers from the 5th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology at the Ethnological Museum, State Museums Berlin, 19-23 September 2006. (Orient-Archäologie, 22). Pp. 197-216. Rahden, Westfalia: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. [pdf]
Many thanks to the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki for providing access to this special musical instrument; being able to examine it was very helpful for my research and reconstruction.
Elgin Aulos
The Elgin Aulos is another well-preserved wooden instrument available for reconstruction. The find is believed to have been made in Athens, but unfortunately, no further information about the find is available. The original is in the British Museum in London (No. 1816,0610.502)
It is likely somewhat younger than the Poseidonia Aulos. Like other older auloi, this one is played in the microtonal classical enharmonic tetrachord scales.
It is relatively large and requires some practice to finger, as the tone holes are widely spaced.
I offer the reconstruction in wood, either grenadilla or boxwood.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Elgin Aulos
How do I hold the instrument, which scales do I play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials on classical and archaic auloi.
Classical Greek Auloi Tutorials (In progress, expected May 2025)
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying these articles by Tosca Lynch:
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
My reconstruction is based on my own research with the help of Callum Armstrong and Dr. Caleb Simone and the very detailed measurements and photos from the book by Paul J. & Barbara Reichlin-Moser, The Elgin Aulos
Megara Auloi
The Megara Auloi were discovered during various excavations in Megara and are now on display in the museum. Two of them have metal sliders that cover tone holes similar to flute keys. Along with the Oxos Temple Auloi, they are the most complex surviving auloi. The instruments are spectacular and truly worth a visit.
Three of them are relatively large and require some practice to play, as the tone holes are widely spaced.
I have built several wooden prototypes. They have already proven to be well-functioning instruments in concerts by Callum Armstrong. I'm still working on the metal sliders and hope to soon be able to offer these instruments in grenadilla and deer bone.
More details will follow in the near future.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Megara Auloi
How do I hold the instrument, which scales do I play with it, and how do I care for the aulos?
Our YouTube channel features a playlist with various video tutorials on classical and archaic auloi.
Classical Greek Auloi Tutorials (In progress, expected May 2025)
For personal lessons I recommend Callum Armstrong.
I particularly recommend studying these articles by Tosca Lynch:
S. Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. In: G. Zuchtriegel / A. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica. Pisa 2020, 421–59.
My reconstructions are based on my own research in the Museum of Megara, the Pergamon Museum, and on the excellent measurements of Chrestos Terzes.
Ch. Terzēs / S. Hagel, Two auloi from Megara. Greek and Roman Musical Studies 10 (2022), 15–77. DOI:10.1163/22129758-bja10040
The Phorbeia
The phorbeia is an important tool for the aulet. It facilitates prolonged playing of the instrument and helps the musician maintain muscle tension. It ensures a more powerful and clear, focused sound.
As can be seen in many iconographic works, the aulet wears it at musical events where they have to demonstrate their talents.
It really simplifies playing the aulos, and I highly recommend it, especially for beginners and even more so for players of the classical auloi.
I make it from leather and adjust it to the player's size.
Prices upon request
Further information about the Phorbeia
On our YouTube channel, there's a video playlist explaining the Phorbeia, including instructions for building one.
Aulos Collective The Phorbeia
This article by Annie Bélis helped me significantly in my research:
Annie Bélis, La Phorbéia Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Année 1986 110-1 pp. 205-218